مطالعه کتاب Ethics and Spiritual Growth
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Ethics and Spiritual Growth


Author(s): Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari

Publisher(s): ‫ Qom ‫ : Foundation of Islamic C.P.W ‫ , 2007 ‫ = 1386.

ISBN: ‫ 978-964-5817-15-0

Congress Classification: ‫ BP247/8 ‫ /م86ر504952 1384

Dewey Classification: ‫ 297/61

National bibliography numbers: 1877920

Topic Tags: Struggle Perfection Ethics Morality

Featured Category: Spirituality


Man's struggle for perfection, spiritual needs, duties, and road to success.


We observe very clearly that everything in this world is in a state of flux and change. The process of renewal in life is a principle underlying the law of creation. In the same way as we believe in the immutable and enduring character of the law of change, we are also forced to believe in certain immutable concepts and to consider them eternal and everlasting. Among these immutable principles are the laws of morality and human excellence which we are forced to observe of the judgements of sound reason and to lead our lives in accordance with them.

One of the most significant factors underlying the success and failure of societies, their triumph and defeat, is the moral factor, whose decisive role in the lives of nations is so evident and conspicuous that no one can deny it.

The real nature of the human being lies in its unlimited capacity for development and perfection. These capacities, faculties, and aspirations are embedded in man's very being and precede his consciousness of his own self. In the opinion of educationists and experts in training, the control of emotions and feelings and their confinement within certain moderate limits is the most fundamental problem of human life. Any kind of development in a person's spiritual faculties must be

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